PARAPHRASIS by Ailem Carvajal
Book Desing and Illustrations by Alexandra Alvarez Carvajal.
Four books for vocal-instrumental didactic for children and young pianists,
based on five children songs on Latin-American antologic folk poetry.
L' esperienza di Mus-e Parma del regista Alessandro Ceci.
Con il Contributo del Comune di Parma Capitale Italiana della Cultura 2021 e con il Patrocinio della Regione Emilia-Romagna
Parma 2021
Interview with Ailem Carvajal
Interview with Ailem Carvajal
Interview with Ailem Carvajal
Interview with Ailem Carvajal
Mus-e Europan Project
Farnese Theather of Parma (2013)
ALICE by Ailem Carvajal (Italy - Usa)
Children's Cantata in 7 parts
for narrator, children's choir, piano and Orff percussion
ALICIA by Ailem Carvajal (Cuba)
Children's Cantata in 7 parts
for narrator, children's choir, piano and Orff percussion
Children's Orchestra Orff di Mus-e
Music Education for Children
At the L'Accademia of Parma
Workshops for children
Musicalia Children
Cd - Latin American Music for Children
Musicalia Children
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